Rachel Battiston
2 min readFeb 14, 2021

Internet Reliance

The internet is not necessarily one thing. When you look up the term “internet” it is defined as, “A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.” Throughout these readings, they proved that the internet is more than just a place for people to connect and research. As said in one article assigned, the internet is diminishing individual’s concentration and patience. The internet is not an intentional place of diminished intelligence. The introduction of the internet was not with the intention of completely altering how one’s brain stores information, how we process information, and how we perform everyday tasks. The internet is not something small or temporary, it is implanted in everyday life. As the video said, the internet is vast, we all feel as if we have to be involved in some way, and that others people’s problems are automatically our problems.

Although a lot of what people say about the internet is negative, not everything about it has negatively impacted our society. For example, if the internet was not as developed as it is today, COVID would have had a more substantial impact on our economy. With things like zoom, and online technology, we were able to adapt to the circumstances and still complete school, work, and produce a vaccine quicker than one has ever before. The internet is a place to share your thoughts, expand knowledge in areas you are unfamiliar with, and do many other everyday tasks. There is still fears of what the internet is and will become, though. I’m scared about the newer generations and how much they will rely on the internet. I am worried that one day the internet will crash all together and so many will be lost. Its fearful that a lot of this population is dependent upon a lot that technology offers us. Lastly, another worry of mine is that we will eventually be replaced by the internet and artificial intelligence, no longer being a necessity in this world.

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