Terms of Service: You REALLY Don’t Know What You’re Getting Yourself into
Throughout the readings this week, the one that stood out to me the most was the video clip about the terms of service experiment. Although it was amusing to watch peoples faces as they realized they signed an agreement to foster a child, or give the shirt off their back, it really proves a point about the importance of reading over what you agree to.
Don’t get me wrong, I have probably never read the terms of service for anything. With that said, this video showed me the importance of reading over what you are agreeing to. Any app could easily put in terms such as “right to keeping personal information”, “right to go through personal messages throughout app,” or ,”authorizing to recharge a credit card on command.” Allowing an app to have your personal information or credit card information is scary to begin with. Not only do certain apps have these terms, but even apps you don’t have can keep your information, like Facebook.
With the readings and videos assigned this week, its been eyeopening learning about the significance of reading through terms of service. I definitely will try to understand what I am signing in future purchases. #Dgst101