Blade Runner Movie Review
I was not able to attend the viewing of Blade Runner but I was able to watch it after on my own time. As some other students also mentioned, I always find it amusing to see how people thought technology would develop versus how it actually is today.
While reading the comments on the channel, I agreed with Hannah’s comment about how people thought flying cars would have been invented but we would still have physical photographs. As I said above, I just find it amusing to see what people would think would have great technological advancements versus what would not.
Overall, the film was pretty good. I would not usually choose an older movie to watch in my free time, but this one was very interesting. What was surprising to me was how much I enjoyed the special effects although it was an older movie. I also found it interesting that the robots were more human-like and they put the control of dangerous earth endeavors and did not expect the replicants to go against them in some form (like the colony they form).